A Decolonial Perspective
“So with all of that said, where does this leave us? How to we tackle the question which still remains: how do we fight fascism? I want to be clear on this because while I have sought here in this article to excavate deep, systemic problems within general left-wing theory and praxis around the question of fascism, I do not want to understate the importance of continuing the struggle against fascism, from university to the workplace, and from the internet to the streets.
For myself the answer is much the same as my answer to what we must do to fight capitalism (2016), and in this regard it is really quite simple: anti-fascism without decolonization, genuine decolonization, is meaningless—if you want to fight fascism, you have to decolonize. This is a basic truth that I believe should, and indeed must, be grasped by all people claiming revolutionary credentials. We must have the power to decide our own fate, and we must be independent of any need to rely on the white ruling class, the modern/colonial/capitalist state and its institutions of civil society. Perhaps the most basic way to say this is to say that our goal must be Native and Black liberation.”